Aditya Preschool Baner First Class of 2024-2025

Aditya Preschool Baner First Class of 2024-2025

β€œNo body is Superior, No body is inferior but No body is equal either, People are simply unique, incomparable.”
Aditya English Medium School, Baner, Pune conducted two days CBSE training for teachers on Experiential Learning on 4th and 5th June 2024 to enhance the knowledge of learning through reflection on doing. Mrs. Jayashree Venkataraman was the resource person. It was a deep dive into the process of Experiential Learning and its implementation. Various group activities were conducted during the session for the teachers.
The initiative was taken by the AEMS management. The session started with an introduction by Mrs Radhika Bansal and continued with various subjects learning illustrated by Jayashree ma’am in a very interesting way. All the subject group of teachers showcased their talents through dramatization, role play, innovative lesson plans and interconnecting topics with various subjects. Presentation through colourful flowcharts, placards and drawings. There were some related videos played to make the concepts clear. It was overall a very engaging and hands-on experience for our teachers. Great learning to introduce innovative method of teaching. The session ended with a positive note by the Principal Rekha Kale ma’am who appreciated the Resource Person Jayashree Ma’am and all the teachers for the success of the Training session.

To Know More – Click

#CBSE #CBSETraining #ExperientialLearning #ReadyToLearn

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