Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav Celebrated in Aditya English Medium School

Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav Celebrated in Aditya English Medium School

Language is the road map of culture. It tells you where it’s people come from and where they are going.
Aditya English Medium School celebrated BHARTIYA BHASA UTSAV on the account of the birth anniversary of the great poet Shubhramniyam Bharti.
On this occasion, students dressed up according to their states and presented themselves using the regional language. They introduced about ethnic wear, cuisines of India etc.
Student brought varieties of foods according to the speciality of their respective states. While giving presentation, they focused on the importance of spiritualism, Indian ancient language and Mahakavi Subramania Bharati- in his time was considered to be the bridge between the North and the South. Observing his Jayanti as Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav day would once again strengthen the national unity.
Such type of events will help in building a growing momentum behind learning more Indian languages other than mastering one’s own mother tongue.

#BharatBhashaUtsav #MahakaviSubramaniaBharati

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